Hummingbirds Sundial
Product Description

A Bronze Hummingbirds Sundial. Its center holds a hummingbird with wings swept back as if in flight. Whereas its long bill is contrasted against an art deco style and opened backdrop. On the base also are 3 additional embossed Hummingbirds, amongst flowers that border the dial.
Few compare and those that attempt fall short. On back is maker...
Product Quantity: Only 1 item in stock.
Condition: Very Good! The Sundial was once anchored by mortar... the Hummingbird is secured by 2 screws and
Country of Mfg: USA
Size: Dia: 11.0" x H: 3.75" overall and at the dials center the attached hummingbird raises to a height of 3.5.
Weight: 4.0 lb | ~ Ship (5.9lbs)
- Ship weight for this sale is an approximation till revised at time of purchase. For which a total 'of all items' and their weights being shipped will be known, should this be required.
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